2024 Innovators Retreat EDucator presentations

Best-selling author and education professor
Dr. Catlin Tucker taught 2024 Innovators Retreat participants how to implement student-centered learning at their schools, helping to reshape the Jewish day school ecosystem's approach to connecting students with Jewish wisdom, texts and identity.

Watch presentations by JEIC Founding Director Rabbi Shmuel Feld on the benefits of intrinsic motivation and greetings from JEIC Managing Director Sharon Freundel.

Reciprocal Teaching Strategy

Reciprocal teaching is a cooperative learning strategy designed to boost students’ understanding of texts through group discussion and peer-led dialogue.

The strategy empowers students to take the lead in their learning process by engaging with four key comprehension strategies: predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing.

Choice Board: Personal Growth Playlist

Your Turn: Choose Your Learning Path Adventure!

You will explore the topic of personal growth in this choose-your-learning-path adventure. Working from left to right, select one item from the acquire column, one activity from the meaning-making column, and one application task from the final apply column.

The goal is for you to control the pace and path of your experience, selecting the media and activities that are the best fit for you!

Bring Student-Centered Learning to YOUR School!

Ready to implement or enhance the student-centered learning in your school?
Contact Managing Director Sharon Freundel at sharon@jewishchallenge.org or Founding Director Rabbi Shmuel Feld at rabbifeld@jewishchallenge.org to help you get started!