Help your students deepen, elevate, and sustain their relationship with the Divine. Explore this video series on pedagogies for teaching “God” featuring a diverse set of master teachers including Rabbi David Aaron, Rebbitzen Yehudis Golshevsky, and Rabbi Dr. Michael Shire. They each delve into strategies and framing that can guide a teacher’s path for facilitating the God-student relationship.

If you would like to explore any of these pedagogies in more depth, please contact us to arrange a no-cost consultation for individual Jewish educators or a group.

Speakers in the videos below include:

Summative Notes from Expert Video Interviews

Ignition GrantS for God Expansion

JEIC is expanding the Ignition Grants program for the 2020-21 academic year to advance distinctive, enduring approaches for elevating and deepening the God-student relationship.

Ignition Grants for God Expansion awards are up to $20,000.

Applications for Ignition Grants for God Expansion will be accepted through November 15, 2020. Rolling decisions will be announced by January 2021.

To be considered, your God Expansion must:

  • Be implemented during the 2020-2021 academic year.

  • Elevate and/or deepen the God-student relationship within the framework of Jewish values, practice, and/or ancient wisdom.

  • Be intended to teach students, or facilitate experiences for them, as they expand their relationship with God.

  • Be part of core classroom curricula or co-curricular programs.

  • Include a plan for collecting and analyzing data demonstrating qualitative change in student behavior and school culture regarding students’ relationship with God.

  • Be targeted to students in middle or high school.

Jewish Stories: Jewish Strength

In both good times and bad, Jews look to the Divine for strength, hope, comfort, or protection. This video series entitled, Jewish Stories: Jewish Strength, reveals wisdom and perspective from a variety of leaders in the Jewish community.

Speakers in the videos in this section include:

Inspirational & GOD-centered resources

Manette Mayberg, trustee of the Mayberg Foundation and founder of JEIC, shares her vision for God Powered Schools at JEIC’s 2019 Innovators Retreat.

8 Names of God: Inspiring Divine Explorations

by Rabbi Shmuel Feld

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Imagine a portal to open students’ eyes to deeper layers of meaning and new ways of thinking about God. Names and descriptions of God abound in Tanakh and many more were added in Rabbinic writing. God cannot be captured by a single word, but our experience with sacred texts shines a light on the many different paths for our relationship with the Divine.

Let's continue to explore ways to inspire students’ relationship with God so they can create enduring meaning from Jewish values, literacy, practice, and belief to sustain the Jewish people.

Share your thoughts or questions with us about God Expansion in Jewish day schools:

Sharon Freundel, Managing Director,

Rabbi Shmuel Feld, Founding Director,