Sharon Freundel Writes About Grounded Meaning in Winter 2021 Issue of Jewish Educational Leadership
JEIC managing director Sharon Freundel shares her article on “Grounded Meaning” in The Lookstein Center’s winter 2021 Jewish Educational Leadership double-issue about meaning-making in Jewish education.
In this article, she writes, “In order to better help our students embark on their own journeys to embed meaning into their lives, we as educators must be intimately familiar with our planned learning objectives, the texts we want to use to meet those objectives, our students’ interests and personalities, and our own sense of purpose and quest for meaning. With our support and guidance, the students will be primed to return to “the well,” the source of all meaning, again and again over the course of their lifetimes to develop their own individual purpose, relevance, and decision-making skills out of our shared ancient Jewish wisdom.”